TCP STatistic and Analysis Tool 

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Tstat generates three different types of measurement collections:
  • Log files, storing flow-level measurements.
  • Histograms, storing the distribution of a given quantity during a time interval.
  • RRD, storing histograms in a RRD database.

LOG Files

Tstat creates a set of TXT files where each row corresponds to a different flow and each column is associated to a specific measure. When it is useful, the columns are grouped according to C2S - Client-to-Server and S2C - Server-to-Client traffic directions.
For most logs, the first row contains a summary with the description of all columns.
The generated logs are:
log_tcp_complete, log_tcp_nocomplete:
report every TCP connection that has been tracked by Tstat. A TCP connection is identified when the first SYN segment is observed, and is ended when either:
  • the FIN/ACK or RST segments are observed;
  • no data packet has been observed (from both sides) for a default timeout of 10s after the opening SYN segment (TCP_Singleton_Time), or 5min after the last data packet (TCP_Idle_Time); the actual values of the timeout timers is controlled by the corresponding global constants provided via the -G command line option;
Tstat discards all the connections for which the three way handshake is not properly seen. Then, in case a connection is correctly closed it is stored in log_tcp_complete, otherwise in log_tcp_nocomplete.

reports every tracked UDP flow pair. An UDP flow pair is identified when the first UDP segment is observed for a UDP socket pair, and is ended when no packet has been observed (from both sides) for 10s after the first packet (UDP_Singleton_Time), or 3min 20s after the last data packet (UDP_Idle_Time); the actual values of the timeout timers is controlled by the corresponding global constants provided via the -G command line option.
By default, Skype and chat protocols running over UDP are reported only in a separate file (see LOG_ALL_UDP in param.h).

Tstat can produce a log_video_complete file which logs every TCP Video connection that has been tracked. Currently are classified as Video the RTMP connections, TLS connections associated to YouTube, and HTTP connections based on 2 distinguished approaches:
  1. HTTP request URL matching (Tstat HTTP engine)
  2. HTTP response DPI (Tstat Streaming Classifier engine)

The Tstat HTTP engine (1) classifies relevant video-related HTTP connections (YouTube, Vimeo, generic FLV/MP4, VOD and FlashVideo) mostly based on simple URL matching. The Tstat Streaming Classifier engine (2) classifies HTTP connections based on 2 distinguished approaches:
  1. Value of Content-Type information in the HTTP's header
  2. Signature matching in the video payload, to identify the video container.

Tstat can produce a log_http_complete file which logs information from every HTTP request and response. It is NOT generated by default, so it must be explicitly activated with the corresponding directive in runtime.conf.

reports statistics for the RTP and RTCP flows. The classification process exploits a finite state machine that perform checks of version field, sequence numbers and payload types. In particupar, if in the first UDP packet
  • the version field is set to 2
  • the payload type field has an admissible values (for RTP or for RTCP)
  • the UDP ports are larger than 1024 and are even/odd for RTP/RTCP
the flow is marked as possible RTP/RTCP flow (FIRST_RTP/FIRST_RTCP).
When the second UDP segment of this UDP flow (same IP/ports) is observed, then Tstat double checks if it still be interpreted as RTP/RTCP payload controlling if
  • the version is equal to 2
  • the same ssrc is present
  • the seqno is the expected one
  • the payload type is the same as before.
If checks succedes, then the flows is marked as RTP and its analysis may start.

For RTCP flows, a simpler heuristic is used:
  • the version must be equal to 2
  • the payload type must be a correct one
  • the UDP ports are larger than 1024 and are even/odd for RTP/RTCP.
If so, the flow is considered a RTCP flow and its analysis may start.

Tstat can produce a log_dns_complete file which logs information from every DNS request and response. It is NOT generated by default, so it must be explicitly activated with the directive in runtime.conf. Moreover, Tstat must have been compiled to include the LDNS library, as reported by 'tstat -v'. Details on the compilation requirements are included in the Tstat source documentation in doc/README.log_dns.

reports statistics for each SKYPE flow identified using the methodology described into "Revealing skype traffic: when randomness plays with you". Note that records change according to the trasport layer (UDP or TCP) used by Skype.

log_chat_complete, log_chat_messages:
Tstat is able to classify MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger and Chat based on XMPP Protocol such as Jabber or Google Talk. In log_chat_complete are reported statistics for each chat flow while in log_chat_messages for each chat message.


log_tcp_complete, log_tcp_nocomplete

Both files have similar format with values separated by spaces. Columns are grouped according to C2S - Client-to-Server and S2C - Server-to-Client traffic directions.
The log is made by the composition of different measurements sets, whose presence is controlled by variables in the [options] section of runtime.conf
The order of the sets is hardcoded, so the structure of log_tcp_complete is always:
  • Core TCP set
  • TCP End to End set (optional)
  • TCP P2P set (optional)
  • TCP Options set (optional)
  • TCP Layer7 set (optional)
  • TCP Advanced set (optional)
The structure of log_tcp_nocomplete is fixed and it will always only include the Core TCP set.
Here it follows a brief description of the columns for each set, considering that often the actual column number will depend on the mix of sets, and you should refer to the header line in the file to identify the current log content.
Note for advanced users: the current log composition is encoded as a 'magic number' in the first characters of the header line, that starts with "#nn#", 'nn' being a bitmask indicating which set were active at the time of the logging. Interested users should refer to tstat.h for the bitmask values.

Core/Basic TCP Set

This set contains the basic information for all TCP flows, it is always included and cannot be disactivated in runtime.conf

C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
1 15 Client/Server IP addr - IP addresses of the client/server
2 16 Client/Server TCP port - TCP port addresses for the client/server
3 17 packets - total number of packets observed form the client/server
4 18 RST sent 0/1 0 = no RST segment has been sent by the client/server
5 19 ACK sent - number of segments with the ACK field set to 1
6 20 PURE ACK sent - number of segments with ACK field set to 1 and no data
7 21 unique bytes bytes number of bytes sent in the payload
8 22 data pkts - number of segments with payload
9 23 data bytes bytes number of bytes transmitted in the payload, including retransmissions
10 24 rexmit pkts - number of retransmitted segments
11 25 rexmit bytes bytes number of retransmitted bytes
12 26 out seq pkts - number of segments observed out of sequence
13 27 SYN count - number of SYN segments observed (including rtx)
14 28 FIN count - number of FIN segments observed (including rtx)
29 First time abs ms Flow first packet absolute time (epoch)
30 Last time abs ms Flow last segment absolute time (epoch)
31 Completion time ms Flow duration since first packet to last packet
32 C first payload ms Client first segment with payload since the first flow segment
33 S first payload ms Server first segment with payload since the first flow segment
34 C last payload ms Client last segment with payload since the first flow segment
35 S last payload ms Server last segment with payload since the first flow segment
36 C first ack ms Client first ACK segment (without SYN) since the first flow segment
37 S first ack ms Server first ACK segment (without SYN) since the first flow segment
38 C Internal 0/1 1 = client has internal IP, 0 = client has external IP
39 S Internal 0/1 1 = server has internal IP, 0 = server has external IP
40 C anonymized 0/1 1 = client IP is CryptoPAn anonymized
41 S anonymized 0/1 1 = server IP is CryptoPAn anonymized
42 Connection type - Bitmap stating the connection type as identified by TCPL7 inspection engine (see protocol.h)
43 P2P type - Type of P2P protocol, as identified by the IPP2P engine (see ipp2p_tstat.h)
44 HTTP type - For HTTP flows, the identified Web2.0 content (see the http_content enum in struct.h)

TCP End to End Set

This set includes measures about RTT and TTL for TCP connections. It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "tcplog_end_to_end = 1".

C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
45 52 Average rtt ms Average RTT computed measuring the time elapsed between the data segment and the corresponding ACK
46 53 rtt min ms Minimum RTT observed during connection lifetime
47 54 rtt max ms Maximum RTT observed during connection lifetime
48 55 Stdev rtt ms Standard deviation of the RTT
49 56 rtt count - Number of valid RTT observation
50 57 ttl_min - Minimum Time To Live
51 58 ttl_max - Maximum Time To Live


This set includes P2P specific information (the general P2P type is included in the Core set). It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "tcplog_p2p = 1".
The P2P set will start at column Y (Y being 45 or 59, depending on the status of the E2E stat set). All the other columns will be relative to Y

C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
Y P2P subtype - P2P protocol message type, as identified by the IPP2P engine (see ipp2p_tstat.c)
Y+1 ED2K Data - For P2P ED2K flows, the number of data messages
Y+2 ED2K Signaling - For P2P ED2K flows, the number of signaling (not data) messages
Y+3 ED2K C2S - For P2P ED2K flows, the number of client<->server messages
Y+4 ED2K C2C - For P2P ED2K flows, the number of client<->client messages
Y+5 ED2K Chat - For P2P ED2K flows, the number of chat messages

TCP Options Set

This set includes specific TCP protocol statistics. It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "tcplog_options = 1".
The TCP options set will start at column X (X depending on the status of the E2E and P2P stat sets). All the other columns will be relative to X

C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
X X+23 RFC1323 ws 0/1 Window scale option sent
X+1 X+24 RFC1323 ts 0/1 Timestamp option sent
X+2 X+25 window scale - Scaling values negotiated [scale factor]
X+3 X+26 SACK req 0/1 SACK option set
X+4 X+27 SACK sent - number of SACK messages sent
X+5 X+28 MSS bytes MSS declared
X+6 X+29 max seg size bytes Maximum segment size observed
X+7 X+30 min seg size bytes Minimum segment size observed
X+8 X+31 win max bytes Maximum receiver window announced (already scale by the window scale factor)
X+9 X+32 win min bytes Maximum receiver windows announced (already scale by the window scale factor)
X+10 X+33 win zero - Total number of segments declaring zero as receiver window
X+11 X+34 cwin max bytes Maximum in-flight-size computed as the difference between the largest sequence number so far, and the corresponding last ACK message on the reverse path. It is an estimate of the congestion window
X+12 X+35 cwin min bytes Minimum in-flight-size
X+13 X+36 initial cwin bytes First in-flight size, or total number of unack-ed bytes sent before receiving the first ACK segment
X+14 X+37 rtx RTO - Number of retransmitted segments due to timeout expiration
X+15 X+38 rtx FR - Number of retransmitted segments due to Fast Retransmit (three dup-ack)
X+16 X+39 reordering - Number of packet reordering observed
X+17 X+40 net dup - Number of network duplicates observed
X+18 X+41 unknown - Number of segments not in sequence or duplicate which are not classified as specific events
X+19 X+42 flow control - Number of retransmitted segments to probe the receiver window
X+20 X+43 unnece rtx RTO - Number of unnecessary transmissions following a timeout expiration
X+21 X+44 unnece rtx FR - Number of unnecessary transmissions following a fast retransmit
X+22 X+45 != SYN seqno 0/1 1 = retransmitted SYN segments have different initial seqno

TCP Layer 7 Set

This set includes Layer 7 and Application specific information (HTTP, TLS, DNS). It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "tcplog_layer7 = 1".
The Layer 7 set will start at column K (K depending on the status of the other stat sets). All the other columns will be relative to K.

C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
K HTTP Request count - Number of HTTP Requests (GET/POST/HEAD) seen in the C2S direction (for HTTP connections)
K+1 HTTP Response count - Number of HTTP Responses (HTTP) seen in the S2C direction (for HTTP connections)
K+2 First HTTP Response - First HTTP Response code seen in the server->client communication (for HTTP connections)
K+3 PSH-separated C2S - number of push separated messages C2S
K+4 PSH-separated S2C - number of push separated messages S2C
K+5 TLS Client Hello SNI - For TLS flows, the server name indicated by the client in the Hello message extensions
K+6 TLS Server Hello SCN - For TLS flows, the subject CN name indicated by the server in its certificate
K+7 TLS Client NPN/ALPN - For TLS flows, a bitmap representing the usage of NPN/ALPN for HTTP2/SPDY negotiation
K+8 TLS Server NPN/ALPN - For TLS flows, a bitmap representing the usage of NPN/ALPN for HTTP2/SPDY negotiation
K+9 TLS Client ID reuse - For TLS flows, indicates that the Client Hello carries an old Session ID
K+10 TLS Client Last Handshake ms For TLS flows, time of Client last packet seen before first Application Data (relative)
K+11 TLS Server Last Handshake ms For TLS flows, time of Server last packet seen before first Application Data (relative)
K+12 TLS Client App Data Time ms For TLS flows, time between the Client first Application Data message and the first flow segment
K+13 TLS Server App Data Time ms For TLS flows, time between the Server first Application Data message and the first flow segment
K+14 TLS Client App Data Bytes bytes For TLS flows, relative sequence number for the Client first Application Data message
K+15 TLS Server App Data Bytes bytes For TLS flows, relative sequence number for the Client first Application Data message
K+16 FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name recovered using DNHunter
K+17 IP of DNS resolver - IP address of the contacted DNS resolver
K+18 DNS request time ms unixtime (in ms) of the DNS request
K+19 DNS response time ms unixtime (in ms) of the DNS response

NPN (Next Protocol Negotiation) is the old TLS mechanism to negotiate the application layer to be used over TLS, identified by the code 0x3374 followed, possibly, by a list of supported protocols. It has been replaced by ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation), RFC 7301, identified by the code 0x0010 followed by the explicit list of supported protocols. Both options can be used by the browser (client), while the server usually supports only one of them.
The NPN/ALPN bitmap possible values are the following:
0000 0000
^^^^ ^^^^
|||| ||||_____ NPN used, no explicit value negotiated (implicitely SPDY)
|||| |||______ NPN used, HTTP/1.x negotiated
|||| ||_______ NPN used, SPDY negotiated
|||| |________ NPN used, HTTP/2 negotiated
||||__________ ALPN used, no explicit value negotiated 
|||___________ ALPN used, HTTP/1.x negotiated
||____________ ALPN used, SPDY negotiated
|_____________ ALPN used, HTTP/2 negotiated

TCP Advanced Set

This set includes advanced information for the TCP flows, seldom used and that must be activated at compile time. It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "tcplog_advanced = 1".
Due to the dependency on compile time options, refer to the header row and the source code for the meaning of the additional columns.

Additional Tables

The values that can appear in columns 42, 43 and 44 of the TCP Core Set are reported below.

Connection Type (col. 42)
Since the connection type is a bitmask, it's possible to have combinated values. Common combinations are 257 (HTML and P2P), or 16640 (P2P and OBF).
P2P Type (col. 43)
Unless explicitely enabled at compilation time by P2P_OLDPROTO, the protocols marked by [*] are now considered obsolete and are ignored by Tstat 3.0.
HTTP Web2.0 Type (col. 44)
Due to the evolution of the Web, and the shift of traffic to TLS connections, some specific classifications have nowadays mostly a historical reason only.
Connection type - col.42 (see protocol.h)
Bitmask Value Protocol
0 Unknown protocol
1 HTTP protocol
2 RTSP protocol
4 RTP protocol
8 ICY protocol
16 RTCP protocol
32 MSN protocol
64 YMSG protocol
128 XMPP protocol
256 P2P protocol
512 SKYPE protocol
1024 SMTP protocol
2048 POP3 protocol
4096 IMAP4 protocol
8192 TLS/TLS protocol
16384 ED2K protocol (obfuscated)
32768 SSH 2.0/1.99 protocol
65536 RTMP protocol
131072 Bittorrent MSE/PE protocol
P2P type - col. 43 (see ipp2p_tstat.h)
Bitmask n-th bit Internal Protocol
1 IPP2P_ED2K eMule
2 IPP2P_DATA_KAZAA Kazaa Data [*]
3 IPP2P_DATA_ED2K Ed2k Data
4 IPP2P_DATA_DC DirectConnect++ Data [*]
5 IPP2P_DC DirectConnect++ [*]
6 IPP2P_DATA_GNU Gnutella Data [*]
7 IPP2P_GNU Gnutella [*]
8 IPP2P_KAZAA Kazaa [*]
9 IPP2P_BIT BitTorrent
10 IPP2P_APPLE Apple [*]
11 IPP2P_SOUL SoulSeek [*]
12 IPP2P_WINMX WinMX [*]
13 IPP2P_ARES Ares [*]
14 IPP2P_MUTE Mute [*]
15 IPP2P_WASTE Waste [*]
17 IPP2P_KAD eMule KAD
18 IPP2P_KADU Adunanza (eMule mod)
HTTP Web2.0 type - col. 44 (see struct.h)
Type Internal Description
1 HTTP_GET Unclassified GET command
2 HTTP_POST Unclassified POST command
3 HTTP_MSN MSN Chat command tunneled over HTTP (POST)
5 HTTP_YOUTUBE_VIDEO YouTube video content download (GET)
6 HTTP_VIDEO_CONTENT Generic FLV or MP4 video download (GET)
7 HTTP_VIMEO Vimeo video content download (GET)
8 HTTP_WIKI Wikipedia (GET)
9 HTTP_RAPIDSHARE RapidShare file download (GET)
10 HTTP_MEGAUPLOAD MegaUpload file download (GET)
11 HTTP_FACEBOOK Facebook-related connections (GET/POST)
12 HTTP_ADV Site advertisement (GET)
13 HTTP_FLICKR Flickr photo download (GET)
14 HTTP_GMAPS GoogleMaps images (GET)
15 HTTP_NETFLIX Netflix video streaming (GET)
16 HTTP_YOUTUBE_SITE YouTube site content download (GET)
17 HTTP_SOCIAL Localized social-networking (GET/POST) 1
18 HTTP_FLASHVIDEO Generic FLV video download (GET) 2
19 HTTP_MEDIAFIRE MediaFire file download (GET)
20 HTTP_HOTFILE file download (GET)
21 HTTP_STORAGE file download (GET)
22 HTTP_YOUTUBE_204 YouTube "pre-loading" (GET) 3
23 HTTP_YOUTUBE_VIDEO204 YouTube "pre-loading" and video (GET) 3
24 HTTP_YOUTUBE_SITE_DIRECT YouTube: video request on YouTube site (GET) 4
25 HTTP_YOUTUBE_SITE_EMBED YouTube: embedded video request (GET) 4
26 HTTP_TWITTER Twitter unencrypted traffic (GET/POST) 5
27 HTTP_DROPBOX Dropbox presence traffic (GET) 6
These values are different from 0 only for identified HTTP connections (column no. 42). There constants are also used in the RRD data and in histograms (decreased by one so that HTTP_GET is 0 and HTTP_GMAPS is 13).

1) HTTP_SOCIAL is a set of matchings tailored for Nasza-Klasa (PL) and IWIW (HU). Since IWIW seems to be based on OpenSocial, it should match also generic OpenSocial traffic. Probably not useful outside Poland or Hungary.

2) HTTP_FLASHVIDEO identify traffic from a few popular flash-based video distribution sites.

3) HTTP_YOUTUBE_204 and HTTP_YOUTUBE_VIDEO204 are counted as HTTP_YOUTUBE_VIDEO in RRDs and histograms (i.e. they are classified in idx4 ).

4) HTTP_YOUTUBE_SITE_DIRECT and HTTP_YOUTUBE_SITE_EMBED are counted as HTTP_YOUTUBE_SITE in RRDs and histograms (i.e. they are classified in idx15 ).

5) HTTP_TWITTER refers just to Twitter unencrypted connections, mostly related to the Twitter widgets in web pages. HTTP_TWITTER is counted as HTTP_SOCIAL and WEB_SOCIAL in RRDs and histograms (i.e. it is classified in idx16 ).

6) HTTP_DROPBOX refers to the presence/keep-alive connections maintained by the Dropbox client. Experimental. It is counted as HTTP_GET and WEB_OTHER in RRDs and histograms.



Columns are grouped according to C2S - Client-to-Server and S2C - Server-to-Client traffic directions and values are separated by spaces.

C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
1 10 Client/Server IP addr - IP addresses of client/server
2 11 Client/Server UDP port - UDP port addresses of client/server
3 12 First time ms client/server first packet in absolute time (epoch)
4 13 Completion time s Time between the first and the last packet from the 'client'
5 14 Data bytes bytes Number of bytes transmitted in the payload
6 15 Packets - Total number of packets observed from the client/server
7 16 Internal 0/1 1 = IP address is internal
8 17 Anonymized 0/1 1 = IP address is CryptoPAn anonymized
9 18 UDP Type - Protocol type (see also the udp_type enum in struct.h)
19 FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name recovered using DNHunter

The values that can appear in columns 9 and 18 are reported below in the separate table. Unless explicitely enabled at compilation time by P2P_OLDPROTO, the protocols marked by [*] are now considered obsolete and are ignored by Tstat 3.0.
UDP type - col. 9, 18 (see struct.h)
Value Internal Description
0 UDP UNKNOWN Unknown (unclassified)
1 FIRST_RTP Unknown (possible unclassified RTP flow)
2 FIRST_RTCP Unknown (possible unclassified RTCP flow)
3 RTP RTP protocol
4 RTCP RTCP protocol
5 SKYPE_E2E Skype End-to-End
6 SKYPE_E2O SkypeOut
7 SKYPE_SIG Skype signalling
8 P2P_ED2K eMule ED2K protocol
9 P2P_KAD eMule KAD (Kamdelia) protocol
10 P2P_KADU Adunanza (eMule mod) KAD (Kamdelia) protocol
11 P2P_GNU Gnutella protocol [*]
12 P2P_BT BitTorrent DHT protocol (only)
13 P2P_DC DirectConnect protocol [*]
14 P2P_KAZAA KaZaa protocol [*]
15 P2P_PPLIVE PPLive IP-TV protocol
16 P2P_SOPCAST SopCast IP-TV protocol
17 P2P_TVANTS TV-Ants IPTV protocol
18 P2P_OKAD eMule obfuscated KAD protocol
19 DNS DNS protocol
20 P2P_UTP BitTorrent uTP protocol (only)
21 P2P_UTPBT BitTorrent DHT and uTP protocols (mixed)
22 UDP_VOD MPEG2 PES Streaming over UDP
23 P2P_PPSTREAM PPStream IP-TV protocol
24 TEREDO Teredo IPv6 tunneling over UDP (mostly BitTorrent)
25 UDP_SIP SIP over UDP messages
26 UDP_DTLS DTLS protocol
27 UDP_QUIC QUIC protocol



The log contains a composition of measurement sets already included in the TCP log_tcp_complete log, and other sets specific to video streams. The presence of the various sets is controlled by variables in the [options] section of runtime.conf
The order of the sets is hardcoded, so the structure of log_video_complete is always:
  • Core TCP set
  • TCP End to End set (optional)
  • Video Core set
  • Video Information set (optional)
  • YouTube Information set (optional)
  • Video Advanced set (optional)
  • TCP Options set (optional)
  • TCP Layer7 set (optional)
Since YouTube now transfers a large part of traffic over TLS, we include in log_video_complete also those TLS connection for which the client requested (in the TLS handshake) a site name matching "*", "*", and "*". For these connections, obviously, no video specific information can be reported. The requested site name is included in the log only if the TCP Layer 7 set is enabled (but the connections are always included).

Here it follows a brief description of the columns for each set, considering that often the actual column number will depend on the mix of sets, and you should refer to the header line in the file to identify the current log content. Moreover, for the description of TCP specific sets you can refer to the description for the log_tcp_complete file.
Note for advanced users: the current log composition is encoded as a 'magic number' in the first characters of the header line, that starts with "#nn#", 'nn' being a bitmask indicating which set were active at the time of the logging. Interested users should refer to tstat.h for the bitmask values.

Core/Basic TCP/Video Set

This set contains the basic information for all TCP flows, it is always included and cannot be disactivated in runtime.conf. It is composed by the Core TCP set (the same reported in log_tcp_complete) and the Core Video information.
For the sake of information we replicate here the columns in the Core TCP set, pointing to the log_tcp_complete file description for further details.

C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
1 15 Client/Server IP addr - IP addresses of the client/server
2 16 Client/Server TCP port - TCP port addresses for the client/server
3 17 packets - total number of packets observed form the client/server
4 18 RST sent 0/1 0 = no RST segment has been sent by the client/server
5 19 ACK sent - number of segments with the ACK field set to 1
6 20 PURE ACK sent - number of segments with ACK field set to 1 and no data
7 21 unique bytes bytes number of bytes sent in the payload
8 22 data pkts - number of segments with payload
9 23 data bytes bytes number of bytes transmitted in the payload, including retransmissions
10 24 rexmit pkts - number of retransmitted segments
11 25 rexmit bytes bytes number of retransmitted bytes
12 26 out seq pkts - number of segments observed out of sequence
13 27 SYN count - number of SYN segments observed (including rtx)
14 28 FIN count - number of FIN segments observed (including rtx)
29 First time abs ms Flow first packet absolute time (epoch)
30 Last time abs ms Flow last segment absolute time (epoch)
31 Completion time ms Flow duration since first packet to last packet
32 C first payload ms Client first segment with payload since the first flow segment
33 S first payload ms Server first segment with payload since the first flow segment
34 C last payload ms Client last segment with payload since the first flow segment
35 S last payload ms Server last segment with payload since the first flow segment
36 C first ack ms Client first ACK segment (without SYN) since the first flow segment
37 S first ack ms Server first ACK segment (without SYN) since the first flow segment
38 C Internal 0/1 1 = client has internal IP, 0 = client has external IP
39 S Internal 0/1 1 = server has internal IP, 0 = server has external IP
40 C anonymized 0/1 1 = client IP is CryptoPAn anonymized
41 S anonymized 0/1 1 = server IP is CryptoPAn anonymized
42 Connection type - Bitmap stating the connection type as identified by TCPL7 inspection engine (see protocol.h)
43 P2P type - Type of P2P protocol, as identified by the IPP2P engine (see ipp2p_tstat.h)
44 HTTP type - For HTTP flows, the identified Web2.0 content (see the http_content enum in struct.h)

For (partial) compatibility with the log_tcp_complete file structure, the position of the columns for Core Video measurements, will depend on the presence of other TCP measurements sets, even if they will always appear in the file.

The Core Video set will start at column X (X depending on the status of the TCP End to End stat set). All the other columns will be relative to X

C2S S2C Short desc. Unit Long description
X Video Content-Type - The identified video format, based on the HTTP Content-Type information
X+1 Video Payload - The identified video format, based on the video payload information
X+2 Video ID16/46 - 16-char or 46-char YouTube video identifier, '--' otherwise
X+3 Video Format - YouTube Video Format code, '--' otherwise.

The YouTube Video Format is the 'fmt/itag' value as reported on Wikipedia.
The Video Content-Type and Video Payload, as identified by the Tstat Streaming Classifier engine, are summarized in the table below.
Video Formats
Value VIDEO FORMAT Description
0 NOT_DEFINED Unclassified or not video
1 FLV Adobe Flash Video container
2 MP4 MPEG-4 video, including F4V format and fragmented MP41
3 AVI AVI video format and DivX media format
4 WMV Microsoft Media Video File (WMV) and ASF content
5 MPEG MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and VOB video2
6 WEBM Video format based on VP8 codec
7 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The releases 5 and 6 are classified as MP4
8 OGG Ogg Vorbis Codec compressed Multimedia file
9 QUICKTIME Video exported with QuickTime Apple Inc software3
10 ASF ASF control packets (ASF video are generally classified as WMV)
12 HLS HTTP Live Streaming
13 NFF NDS File Format (Cisco Videoscape), used by Sky+ boxes for VOD as 'video/nff'
11 UNKNOWN Other videos formats or Content-Type values like 'video/*'
These values are different from 0 only for identified HTTP connections (column no. 42). There constants are also used in the RRD data and in histograms.

1) F4V and FLV differences are summarized here.

2) The signatures for MPEG encoded videos are based on the rules described here.

3) The classification relays only on the Content-Type value announce by the server. Currently the payload matching is not supported for this video format.

Video TCP End to End Set

This set includes measures about RTT and TTL for TCP connections and it's identical to the End to End set in log_tcp_complete. It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "videolog_end_to_end = 1".
Refer to the log_tcp_complete description for details.

Video Information Set

This set includes information about video duration and resolution, as extracted by the video header metadata by the Video Streaming engine. It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "videolog_videoinfo = 1".
The Video Information set will start at column X (X depending on the status of other video stat set). All the other columns will be relative to X

C2S S2C Short desc. Unit Long description
X Video duration s Video duration as indicated in the payload
X+1 Video total datarate kbps Total data rate as indicated in payload
X+2 Video width pixel Video width as indicated in the payload
X+3 Video height pixel Video heigth as indicated in the payload

Note: These values can be reported only if the information is contained in the frame header, and are mostly available only for FLV and MP4 formats. Video Total Datarate is not reported for AVI format.

YouTube Information Set

This set includes additional information about YouTube video and connections, as extracted by the URLs by the Tstat HTTP engine. It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "videolog_youtube = 1".
Basic YouTube info (video ID and video format) is included in the Core Video set.
The YouTube Information set will start at column X (X depending on the status of other video stat set). All the other columns will be relative to X

C2S S2C Short desc. Unit Long description
X Video ID11 - 11-char YouTube video request ID if YOUTUBE_REQUEST_ID is defined, '--' otherwise
X+1 Begin Offset ms Playback offset for the Youtube video, 0 otherwise
X+2 Redirect - Request has been redirected
X+3 Redir Count - Redirection counter
X+4 Mobile Device - Type of mobile device 0=Desktop 1=Other 2=Apple iOS 3=Android
X+5 Streaming - Video streaming classification

Redirect and Redir Count are based on the parameters redirect_count provided in the videodownload URL.
The Video Streaming Classification refers to the different streaming techniques used by YouTube, identified by the different URL formats, and summarized below.
ID Comment
0No streaming. Progressive or adaptive download (DASH)
1HLS streaming of recorded content
2HLS streaming of live content
4HLS streaming of live content (different from 2)
5Live FLV streaming

Video TCP Options Set

This set includes specific TCP protocol statistics and it's identical to the TCP Options set in log_tcp_complete. It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "videolog_options = 1".
Refer to the log_tcp_complete description for details.

Video TCP Layer 7 Set

This set includes TCP Layer7 and Application specific information (HTTP, TLS) and it's identical to the TCP Layer7 set in log_tcp_complete. It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "videolog_layer7 = 1".
TLS information is relevant only for YouTube-related TCP flows. Moreover, as in log_tcp_complete, the Video TCP Layer 7 set will always be printed as the last information in each row.
Refer to the log_tcp_complete description for details.

Video Advanced Set

This set includes advance information for the Video flows, mostly related to the video transfer bitrate. It is enabled in runtime.conf setting "videolog_advanced = 1".
The Video Advanced set will start at column X (X depending on the status of other video stat set). All the other columns will be relative to X

C2S S2C Short desc. Unit Long description
X X+7 Rate Samples - Number of samples C2S/S2C in the rate measurement
X+1 X+8 Zero Samples - Number of empty samples C2S/S2C in the rate measurement
X+2 X+9 Zero Streak - Maximum number of consecutive C2S/S2C empty samples
X+3 X+10 Average rate kbps Average rate in the C2S/S2C direction
X+4 X+11 Stdev rate kbps Standard deviation rate in the C2S/S2C direction
X+5 X+12 min rate - Minimum (non zero) rate sample
X+6 X+13 max rate - Maximum rate sample
X+14 - X+23 Rate samples bytes Bytes in the first 10 rate sampling slots C2S
X+24 - X+33 Rate samples bytes Bytes in the first 10 rate sampling slots S2C
X+34 PSH-Messages - Number of PSH-separated 'messages' in the S2C flow
X+35 - X+44 PSH-Messages size bytes Bytes in the first 10 PSH-separated 'messages in the S2C flow

Columns X+(14/33) refer to the estimation of the initial flow bitrate obtained by counting the amount of bytes transfered in both directions in the first 10 measurements intervals (10 seconds) (part of the information summarized in previous columns X/X+13). Columns X+(35/44) estimate the structure of the S2C streaming flow, counting the blocks of data (as PSH-separated messages) and the dimension of the first 10 measured blocks.



The log_http_complete file differs from the other Tstat log_* logs for two key features:
  • fields in each row are TAB separated and not space separated (this because some fields will contain spaces)
  • C2S and S2C rows are alternated, have different information, and a different number of fields.
Here it follows a brief description of the columns.

C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
1 1 Client IP addr - IP addresses of the client (sending the request/receiving the response)
2 2 Client TCP port - TCP port addresses for the client
3 3 Server IP addr - IP addresses of the server (receiving the request/sending the response)
4 4 Server TCP port - TCP port addresses for the server
5 5 Segment time abs s Absolute time [s] (epoch) of the request/response
6   Request method - Request method (GET/POST/HEAD) [*]
7   Hostname - Value of the "Host:" HTTP request field
8   FQDN - DN-Hunter cached DNS name [^]
9   URL Path - URL request path
10   Referer - Value of the "Referer:" HTTP request field
11   User agent - Value of the "User-Agent:" HTTP request field
12   Cookie - Value of the "Cookie:" HTTP request field
13   Do Not Track - Value of the "DNT:" HTTP request field
  6 Response string - Response identifier (always "HTTP") [*]
  7 Response code - HTTP response code (2xx/3xx/4xx/5xx)
  8 Content len bytes Value of the "Content-Length:" HTTP response field
  9 Content type - Value of the "Content-Type:" HTTP response field
  10 Server - Value of the "Server:" HTTP response field
  11 Range - Value of the "Content-Range:" HTTP response field for partial content (Code 206)
  12 Location - Value of the "Location:" HTTP response field for redirected content (Code 302)
  13 Set Cookie - Value of the "Set-Cookie:" HTTP response field

[*] Column 6 can be used to distinguish between S2C Responses (for which there is always the string "HTTP"), and C2S Requests (identified by method GET/POST/HEAD)
[^] The DN-Hunter FQDN is included only if DN-Hunter has been enabled at compilation time

Privacy Concerns
To reduce possible privacy issues, the fields "URL Path" (col. 9 C2S), "Referer" (col. 10 C2S), and "Location" (col. 12 S2C) are subject to the http_full_url parameter in runtime.conf.
By default "http_full_url = 0", the "URL Path" is always empty/invalid ("-"), and only the base HTTP and HTTPS URLs (scheme+authority) are registered in the "Referer" and "Location" fields. URLs with different schemes are always removed.
Using "http_full_url = 1" the URL fields are truncated to the actual path part of the URL, removing any parameter after the '?' character.
To record the complete fields, the directive "http_full_url = 2" must be used in runtime.conf. When Tstat is run using the -0 command line option ("strict(er) privacy"), "http_full_url = 0" is enforced and the value cannot be overridden by the value in runtime.conf.
The "http_full_url" parameter currently controls also the privacy issues associated to the fields "Cookie" (col. 12 C2S) and "Set-Cookie" (col. 13 S2C), so that they are registered only if "http_full_url = 2". (Rationale: if I'm not worried for the privacy in the URLs, I'm not worried for the privacy in the cookie-related fields)

C2S S2C Short Description Unit Long Description Protocol
1 L4 Proto 1/2 1 = TCP, 2 = UDP All
2 38 Protocol 3/4 3 = RTP, 4 = RTCP All
3 39 IP address - Client/Server IP addresses All
4 40 L4 port - TCP/UDP port addresses for the Client/Server All
5 41 Internal 0/1 1 = internal ip All
6 42 Packets - Number of packets Tstat has seen belonging to the flow All
7 43 IPG ms Inter Packet Gap (IPG) All
8 44 Jitter AVG ms/ts Jitter (average):
- if RTP, computed by Tstat as in RFC3550 [ms]
- if RTCP, extracted from the RTCP header [codec timestamps units];
- if TCP, computed using only data packets [ms]
9 45 Jitter Max ms/ts Jitter (max)
- if RTP, computed by Tstat as in RFC3550 [ms]
- if RTCP, extracted from the RTCP header [codec timestamps units]
- if TCP, computed using only data packets [ms]
10 46 Jitter Min ms/ts Jitter (min)
- if RTP, computed by Tstat as in RFC3550 [ms]
- if RTCP, extracted from the RTCP header [codec timestamps units]
- if TCP, computed using only data packets [ms]
11 47 TTL AVG - Time to live (TTL) (average) All
12 48 TTL Max - Time to live (TTL) (max) All
13 49 TTL Min - Time to live (TTL) (min) All
14 50 Start s Start time All
15 51 Duration s Duration All
16 52 Data bytes Data transfered All
17 53 Bitrate bit/s Average speed [bit/s] All
19 55 Lost pkts - Lost packets, computed by Tstat using a window based algorithm RTP
20 56 Out of seq. pkts - Out of sequence packets computed by Tstat computed by Tstat using a window based algorithm TCP,RTP
21 57 Dup pkts - Duplicate packets computed by Tstat
- if RTP, computed by Tstat using a window based algorithm
- if TCP, computed as retrasmissions
22 58 Late pkts - Late packets computed by Tstat computed by Tstat using a window based algorithm RTP
23 59 RTP type - RTP payload type RTP
24 60 Reset - Bogus reset RTP
25 61 Cum lost pkts - Cumulative packet loss:
- each lost packets increments this counter,
- each duplicated packets decremnets it from RTCP
26 62 Frac lost pkts - Extracted from the RTCP header [%] RTCP
27 63 Flow length - Associated RTP flow length RTCP
28 64 Flow length bytes Associated RTP flow length RTCP
29 65 RTT AVG ms Round Trip Time (RTT) (average) TCP, RTCP
30 66 RTT Max ms Round Trip Time (RTT) (max) TCP, RTCP
31 67 RTT Min ms Round Trip Time (RTT) (min) TCP, RTCP
32 68 RTT ms Round Trip Time (RTT) (samples) TCP, RTCP
33 69 Truncated RTCP header - Truncated RTCP header RTCP
34 70 First HTTP s First HTTP packet TCP
35 71 First RTSP s First RTSP packet TCP
36 72 FIRST RTP s First RTP packet TCP
37 73 FIRST ICY s First ICY packet TCP



All UDP packets are checked looking for DNS payload, and, in case it is found, the corresponding log lines are produced. A single log line is produced for each resource record (RR) found in the packet. As such, a single packet may generate multiple lines.

The log_dns_complete contains 3 types of lines:
  • REQ: For DNS request packets
  • RESP: For DNS response packets
  • RESP_ERR: For DNS reponse packets that report an error (e.g., not existing domain)
Here it follows a brief description of the columns.

Field Unit Long description
1 - IP addresses of the client (sending the request/receiving the response)
2 - UDP port addresses for the client
3 0/1 1 = client has internal IP, 0 = client has external IP
4 0/1 1 = client IP is CryptoPAn anonymized
5 - IP addresses of the server (sending the request/receiving the response)
6 - UDP port addresses for the server
7 0/1 1 = server has internal IP, 0 = server has external IP
8 0/1 1 = server IP is CryptoPAn anonymized
9 ms Packet Time
10 - Entry type: REQ, RESP or RESP_ERR
11 - DNS Transaction ID
12 - Query
13 - TTL of the response (only for RESP)
14 - Class (of the query for REQ, of the RR for RESP)
15 - Type (of the query for REQ, of the RR for RESP)
16 - Answer (IP address or domain for RESP, Error code for RESP_ERR)
17 - DNS flags in the packet
18 - Query count in the packet
19 - Answer count in the packet
20 - NS records count in the packet
21 - Additional record count in the packet
22 bytes Packet size

log_skype_complete (TCP)
C2S S2C Short Description Unit Long Description
1 17 Client/Server IP address - Client IP address
2 18 Client/Server TCP Port - Client TCP port
3 19 Internal 0/1 1 = internal IP address
4 20 Flow Size bytes Flow Size
5 21 Total packets - No. of Total flow packets
6 22 Audio/video pkts - No. of audio or audio+video packets
7 23 Video only pkts - No. of video only packets
8 24 Avg Pktsize - Average Packet size
9 25 Avg Pktsize: MMB - Average Packet Size: Max Mean Belief
10 26 Avg IPG - Average Inter-packet Gap
11 27 Avg IPG: MMB - Average IPG: Max Mean Belief
12 28 CHI HDR max - Chi-square on Header: max value
13 29 CHI PAY max - Chi-square on Payload: max value
14 30 BFT - Bayesian Flow Type
15 31 CSFT - Chi-square Flow Type
16 32 Video present 0/1 1 = Video is present
33 Start Time s Flow Start Time
34 Elapsed Time s Flow Elapsed Time
35 L4 proto 'U' Label to state a UDP flow
log_skype_complete (UDP)
C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
1 24 Client/Server IP addr - IP address of the 'client'
2 25 Client/Server port - TCP/UDP port address for the 'client'
3 26 Internal 0/1 1 = internal IP address
4 27 Flow Size bytes Flow Size
5 28 Total packets - No. of Total flow packets
6 29 E2E packets - No. of End-to-End packets
7 30 E2O packets - No. of SkypeOut packets
8 31 SIG packets - No. of Signaling packets
9 32 UNK packets - No. of Unknown packets
10 33 Audio/Video pkts - No. of audio or audio+video packets
11 34 Video only pkts - No. of video only packets
12 35 Avg Pktsize - Average Packet size
13 36 Avg Pktsize: MMB - Average Packet Size: Max Mean Belief
14 37 Avg IPG ms Average Inter-packet Gap
15 38 Avg IPG: MMB - Average IPG: Max Mean Belief
16 39 CHI HDR min - Chi-square on Header: min value
17 40 CHI HDR max - Chi-square on Header: max value of {1-4} & {7,8} blocks
18 41 CHI HDR min 5,6 - Chi-square on Header: min value of {5,6} blocks
19 42 CHI PAY max - Chi-square on Payload: max value
20 43 DFT - Deterministic Flow Type
21 44 BFT - Bayesian Flow Type
22 45 CSFT - Chi-square Flow Type
23 46 Video present 0/1 1 = Video is present
47 Start Time s Flow Start Time (epoch)
48 Elapsed Time s Flow Elapsed Time
49 L4 proto 'T' Label to state a TCP flow

C2S S2C Short description Unit Long description
1 11 Client/Server IP addr - IP address of client/server
2 12 Client/Server port - TCP port address of client/server
3 13 Flow Size bytes Flow Size [Bytes]
4 14 Total packets - No. of Total flow packets
5 15 Total messages - No. of Total messages sent by client
6 16 MSG_A - No. of MSG_A sent by client
[for MSN only, 0 for the others]
7 17 MSG_D - No. of MSG_D sent by client
[for MSN only, 0 for the others]
8 18 MSG_N - No. of MSG_N sent by client
[for MSN only, 0 for the others]
9 19 MSG_U - No. of MSG_U sent by client
[for MSN only, 0 for the others]
10 20 MSG_Y - No. of MSG_Y sent by client
[for MSN only, 0 for the others]
21 Start Time s Flow Start Time
22 End Time s Flow End Time
23 Chat Flow Type - Chat Flow Type
24 Chat Version - Version of the protocol used by the Instant Messaging application
25 Internal 0/1 1 = internal IP address
26 TCP Flow No. - TCP Flow ID Number
27 'T' - Label to state a TCP Flow
28 Chat Protocol 32=MSN
Type of Upper Level Protocol
29 C anonymized 0/1 1 = client IP is CryptoPAn anonymized
30 S anonymized 0/1 1 = server IP is CryptoPAn anonymized
Chat Flow Type - col. 23
Value Description IM Protocols
0 Unknown All
1 Login All
2 Presence All
3 Chat All
4 Presence+Chat Yahoo only
5 Http Tunneling MSN only
6 Peer-to-Peer Chat (i.e. direct connection between clients) Yahoo only
7 Unclassified Yahoo Messenger flow Yahoo only

log_chat_messages Short descr Long description
1 TCP Flow No. TCP Flow ID Number
2 Message type Type of Message (? if not available)
3 Dir TCP Flow Direction (1=C2S, -1=S2C)
4 Message size Message Payload Size [Bytes] (? if not available)
5 Payload size TCP Payload Size [Bytes]
6 Start Time Flow Start Time (in epoch) [s]
7 Arrival Time Message Arrival Time [s]

Histogram description

An Histogram represents the empirical distribution of a specific index considering a fixed measurement period. For each measured index, Tstat creates and updates an histogram that collects the hit number of that quantity. For examples, considering the IP packet length, Tstat updates, for each observed IP packet, the counter of the number of observed packets with a particular length. At the end of the measurement period, Tstat saves each histogram in a separate TXT file, reset all the values and then restarts to collect samples. The duration of a measurement period is defined by the MAX_TIME_STEP parameter, which is defined in the file param.h, and by default, it is set to 5 minutes.

Recalling that (see HOWTO) Tstat is able to distinguish between IN-coming, OUT-going and LOC-al traffic and among C2S - Client-to-Server and S2C - Server-to-Client, it follows that, when applicable, it generates histograms according to traffic directions. Histograms names are strictly related both to the direction and the type of measure and as to have a quick remainder of the supported indexes it can be used:

    bash> tstat -H ?
    #name             min  bin_size     max  description
    profile_flows     0    1            5    flows handled
    profile_cpu       0    1            4    cpu load [clock/time]
    chat_flow_num     0    1            7    Number of tracked IM flow
    web_bitrate_loc   0    1            7    Web 2.0 content bitrate [bit/s] - local segments
    web_bitrate_out   0    1            7    Web 2.0 content bitrate [bit/s] - outgoing segments
    web_bitrate_in    0    1            7    Web 2.0 content bitrate [bit/s] - incoming segments
    L7_WEB_num_loc    0    1            7    Number of tracked Web 2.0 flows - local flows

The following tables report a verbose description of all the supported histograms grouped as:

  • IP Layer: statistics related to ip addresses and IP protocol;
  • TCP Segments: statistics related to individual TCP segments;
  • TCP Flows: statistics related to TCP flows;
  • UDP Layer: statistics related to UDP flows;
  • Streaming Flows: statistics related to streaming flows;
  • RTCP Flows: statistics related to RTCP protocol;
  • HTTP Flows: statistics related to HTTP protocol;
  • Profile: profiling of the machine running Tstat;

IP Layer
Name Direction Min Bin Size Max Unit Description
ip_tos loc,out,in 0 1 255 - IP TOS field
ip_ttl loc,out,in 0 1 255 - IP TTL field
ip_len loc,out,in 0 4 1500 byte IP packet length
ip_bitrate loc,out,in 0 1 4 kb/s IP bitrate
ip_protocol loc,out,in 0 1 255 - IP protocol
addresses - - - - - This file collects the number of packets originated/destined to a particular IP subnet. By default, Tstat considers /24 subnets, and counts how many packets have been sent/received having a particular IP subnet source/destination address. The format of this histogram is different from the others, has it stores in the first column the subnet address, in the second column the number of packets whose IP source in the subnet, and in the third column the number of packets whose IP destination is in the subnet. No particular order is applied when saving the histogram, so that sorting is left to the user.

TCP Segments
Name Direction Min Bin Size Max Unit Description
tcp_mss_used - 0 4 1600 - Negotiated TCP MSS: minimum between MSS declared by the server and the client
tcp_mss_b - 0 4 1600 - Server TCP MSS declared
tcp_mss_a - 0 4 1600 - Client TCP MSS declared
tcp_opts_TS - 1 1 4 - TCP option: Timestamp. 1 = ok, 2 = only client offered, 3 = only server offered, 4 = none offered
tcp_opts_WS - 1 1 4 - TCP option: WindowScale. 1 = ok, 2 = only client offered, 3 = only server offered, 4 = none offered
tcp_opts_SACK - 1 1 4 - TCP option: SACK. 1 = ok, 2 = only client offered, 3 = only server offered, 4 = none offered
tcp_bitrate loc,out,in 0 1 29 bit/s TCP application bitrate
tcp_port_syndst loc,out,in 0 1 65536 - TCP destination port of SYN segments only
tcp_port_synsrc loc,out,in 0 1 65536 - TCP source port of SYN segments only
tcp_port_dst loc,out,in 0 1 65536 - TCP destination port
tcp_port_src loc,out,in 0 1 65536 - TCP source port

TCP Flows
Name Direction Min Bin Size Max Unit Description
tcp_interrupted - 0 1 1 - TCP Early interrupted flows. A flow is considered early interrupted according to the rules identified in:
Rossi D., Casetti C. and Mellia M.,
“User Patience and the Web: a hands-on investigation” ,
IEEE Globecom 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 1-5, 2003.
tcp_thru c2s,s2c 0 1 1000 kb/s TCP application throughput. The throughput is defined as the ratio between the data sent by the server/client over the time since the first SYN segment up to the last segment carrying data from the server/client, i.e., no TCP tear-down latency is included.
tcp_tot_time - 0 50 720000 ms TCP flow lifetime, i.e., the time since the first ever seen SYN segment up to the very last segment of this flow.
tcp_anomalies s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 1 64 - TCP total number of anomalies per each flow. TCP anomalies are identified according to the algorithm described in
Mellia M., Meo M. and Muscariello L.,
“TCP Anomalies: identification and analysis”,
Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications Sorrento, July 4-6.
tcp_rtx_RTO s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: Number of RTO Retransmission
tcp_rtx_FR s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of FR Retransmission
tcp_flow_ctrl s2c,c2s,loc,out] 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of Flow Control
tcp_flow_control_in - 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of Flow Control - incoming flows
tcp_net_dup s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of Network duplicates
tcp_reordering s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of packet reordering
tcp_unnrtx_FR s2c,c2s,loc,out 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of Unneeded FR retransmission
tcp_unnecessary_rtx_FR_in - 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of Unneeded FR retransmission - incoming flows
tcp_unnrtx_RTO s2c,c2s,loc,out 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of Unneeded RTO retransmission
tcp_unnecessary_rtx_RTO_in - 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of Unneeded RTO retransmission - incoming flows
tcp_unknown s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 1 100 - TCP anomaly: number of unknown anomalies
tcp_rtt_cnt s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 1 200 - TCP flow RTT: number of valid valid samples
tcp_rtt_stdev s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 10 3500 ms TCP flow RTT: standard deviation
tcp_rtt_max s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 10 3500 ms TCP flow RTT: maximum RTT
tcp_rtt_avg s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 10 3500 ms TCP flow RTT: average RTT
tcp_rtt_min s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 10 3500 ms TCP flow RTT: minimum RTT
tcp_cl_b_l s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 50000 50000000 byte TCP flow length - coarse granularity histogram
tcp_cl_b_s s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 50 50000 byte TCP flow length - fine granularity histogram
tcp_cl_p s2c,c2s,loc,out,in 0 1 1000 packet TCP flow length
tcp_cwnd - 0 256 65536 byte TCP in-flight-size: the difference among the highest sequence number and the highest acknowledgment number on the reverse path seen when a new ACK is received.
tcp_win_max - 0 256 65536 byte TCP max RWND: the maximum RWND (eventually scaled by the WS option observed during flow lifetime. Only RWND values sent by the client are considered.
tcp_win_avg - 0 256 65536 byte TCP average RWND: the average RWND (eventually scaled by the WS option observed during flow lifetime. Only RWND values sent by the client are considered.
tcp_win_ini - 0 256 65536 byte TCP initial RWND: the first ever observed value of the RWND (eventually scaled by the WS option)

UDP Layer
Name Direction Min Bin Size Max Unit Description
udp_port_flow_dst - 0 1 65536 - UDP destination port per flow
udp_port_dst loc,in,out 0 1 65536 - UDP destination port per segment
udp_tot_time - 0 50 720000 ms UDP flow lifetime: time since the first segment ever observed to the last observed segment
udp_cl_b_l loc,in,out 0 50000 50000000 byte UDP flow length - coarse granularity histogram
udp_cl_b_s loc,in,out 0 50 50000 byte UDP flow length - fine granularity histogram
udp_cl_p loc,in,out 0 1 1000 packet UDP flow length
udp_bitrate loc,in,out 0 1 50 bit/s UDP application bitrate

Streaming Flows
Name Direction Min Bin Size Max Unit Description
mm_burst_loss loc,out,in 0 1 20 packet Stream burst length of lost packets: number of missing packets with continuous sequence number
mm_p_late loc,out,in 0 1 1000 - Stream prob of late packets per flow: ratio between the number of packet arrived with a delay larger than 20 sequence number (i.e., packet 32 arrived when expecting packet 55) and the total number of flow packets.
mm_p_lost loc,out,in 0 1 1000 - Stream prob of lost packets per flow: ratio between the number of missing segments over the flow total number of segments
mm_p_dup loc,out,in 0 1 1000 - Stream prob of duplicate packets per flow: ratio between the number of duplicated segments over the total flow number of segments
mm_p_oos loc,out,in 0 1 1000 - Stream prob of out-of-sequence packets per flow: ratio between the number of out-of-sequence segments over the flow total number of segments
mm_n_oos loc,out,in 0 1 100 - Stream number of out-of-sequence packets per flow: total number of out-of-sequence segments (any segment whose seqno is not the largest ever seen plus 1) observed in the whole flow life
mm_oos_p loc,out,in 0 1 0 - Total stream number of out of sequence packets
mm_reord_p_n loc,out,in 0 1 0 - Total stream number of reordered packets observed in during the time intervals
mm_reord_delay loc,out,in 0 1 100 - Stream delay of reordered packets: time elapsed since the reception of the out-of-sequence packet and its immediate predecessor
mm_avg_jitter loc,out,in 0 1 5000 0.1m Stream average jitter per flow
mm_avg_ipg loc,out,in 0 1 5000 0.1m Stream average IPG per flow
mm_avg_bitrate loc,out,in 0 10 10000 kb/s Stream bitrate
mm_cl_b loc,out,in 0 50000 100000000 byte Long stream flow length
mm_cl_p loc,out,in 0 10 50000 packet Long stream flow length
mm_cl_b_s loc,out,in 0 100 100000 byte Short stream flow length
mm_cl_p_s loc,out,in 0 1 1000 packet Short stream flow length
mm_tot_time_s loc,out,in 0 1 5000 ms Short stream flow lifetime
mm_tot_time loc,out,in 0 1 5400 s Stream flow lifetime
mm_rtp_pt loc,out,in 0 1 128 - RTP payload type
mm_uni_multi loc,out,in 0 1 1 - Unicast/multicast flows
mm_type loc,out,in 0 1 8 - Stream type

RTCP Flows
Name Direction Min Bin Size Max Unit Description
rtcp_bt loc,out,in 0 10 10000 bit/s RTCP average bitrate
rtcp_mm_bt loc,out,in 0 1 5000 kb/s RTCP associated MM flow average bitrate during interval
rtcp_mm_cl_b loc,out,in 0 50000 100000000 byte RTCP associated MM flow length
rtcp_mm_cl_p loc,out,in 0 10 50000 packets RTCP associated MM flow length
rtcp_t_lost loc,out,in 0 10 10000 - RTCP lost packets per flow
rtcp_f_lost loc,out,in 0 1 1000 - RTCP fraction of lost packets during interval
rtcp_dup loc,out,in 0 1 1000 - RTCP duplicated packets during interval
rtcp_lost loc,out,in 0 1 1000 - RTCP lost packets during interval
rtcp_jitter loc,out,in 0 1 1000 - RTCP jitter during interval
rtcp_rtt loc,out,in 0 1 3000 ms RTCP round trip time
rtcp_avg_inter loc,out,in 0 1 5000 - RTCP interarrival delay
rtcp_cl_b loc,out,in 0 1 3000 byte RTCP flow length
rtcp_cl_p loc,out,in 0 1 3000 packet RTCP flow length

HTTP Flows
Name Direction Min Bin Size Max Unit Description
http_bitrate loc,in,out 0 1 21 bit/s HTTP content bitrate
web_bitrate loc,in,out 0 1 7 bit/s Web2.0 content bitrate
L7_HTTP_num loc,in,out 0 1 21 - Number of tracked HTTP flows
L7_WEB_num loc,in,out 0 1 7 - Number of tracked Web2.0 flows

Name Direction Min Bin Size Max Unit Description
profile_flow - 0 1 5 - Flows handled
profile_cpu - 0 1 4 - CPU load (clock/time)
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  M. Mellia
  M. Munafò

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