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Available TracesNetwork traces which are available for the research community are libpcap consistent. Traces have been collected and organized with the support of the RECIPE (Robust and Efficient traffic Classification in IP nEtworks), MIMOSA (MIsure sperimentali e MOdelli di traffico dati multiServizio A pacchetto), NAPAWINE (Network-Aware P2P-TV Application over Wise Networks), and MONORE (Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks in Europe) projects.
In order to respect privacy, IP addresses have been anonymized and the IP checksum of packets has been corrected using Anonymizer tool (v. 0.5) developed by University Federico II, Naples, Italy. Anonymizer tool is available here.Command line used to anonymize IP address and correct IP checksum: ./Anonymizer -p -C "InputFileName" Command line used to anonymize IP address, remove payload and correct IP checksum: ./Anonymizer -x -C "InputFileName" -----***Anonymizer HELP***----- Anonymizer version 0.5 Usage: Anonymizer [options] InputFile1 [InputFile2...InputFileN] For Live usage: Anonymizer [-l] [options] OutputFile For Rules Check: Anonymizer -R Snort_Configuration_File InputFile Please check the field var RULE_PATH in configuration file and specify entire path(whitout ../) Options: -l enable live anonymizing -s enable prefix-preserving -p disable payload darkening -o disable IP address darkening -x cut payload -v enable count(verbose mode) -P enable port darkening -R enable rules check -C enable checksum correction --help show help |
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